Happy July 1st!

During the church service yesterday, I was overwhelmed by Gods love. If you read Friday’s post you know I was dealing with some inner feelings. I felt surrounded by negativity and bad thoughts. To top it off I was trying to fight that battle on my own. I completely forgot that I had the mightiest weapon of all, JESUS! I could see Jesus looking at me his eyes filled with compassion. He was reminding me that he was there to help fight any battle I faced.

With it being July 1st the beginning of a new month and also Monday today, a start of a new “work” week no matter what your work may be. If it’s a job, homemaking, homeschooling, virtual business, blogging, etc. Whatever it is you do you have a brand-new month to make changes and do bigger and better things. There may be new challenges that you will face, but do NOT let them stop you. Do NOT let anything hold you back from what it is you are trying to accomplish. Jesus is with you, he lives IN you, and that is how you fight your battles. With him by your side.

So, armor up and go into this month ready for whatever comes your way. If today is going bad for you take this time to talk to Jesus. Affirm that tomorrow will be different, the rest of the week will be GREAT! Stop questioning if you should do what you’ve been thinking of doing. Stop holding back from what your heart truly desires. Stop worrying that you’re going to fail. Stop feeling like what you do doesn’t matter or make a difference in this world. Stop thinking that God is angry with you because of something you’ve done, run to him not away from him. He is our hiding place. When you feel afraid run to him for comfort. When you have questions run to him for answers. Run to him again and again as many times as you need.

I was reminded yesterday of God’s love. I was reminded of the power I have because I have Jesus in my life. I was reminded that once I ask God for something it is already on its way. I was reminded that when I feel surrounded by evil, I am really surrounded by my JESUS and his unimaginable love for me.

I am ready for this week. I am ready for this month. Are you? Start today, start this week off with a BANG! You can do whatever you set your mind to. New goals will be met and new challenges will be overcome!

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